A picture of Liliah

Marked Characters

Drain Mark Types

In the title of the drain mark type, temporary/permanent indicates whether the mark wears off or not, and local/global indicates whether the mark functions only in Liliah's presence or all the time, anywhere the marked one goes

Addiction (permanent, global)

These marks cause the victim to develop a deep, incurable addiction to the presence and the touch of Liliah

Branding (permanent, global)

This marks is a specialized and weaker form of the Mutation mark that incorporates some of the powers from the Obedience mark, at the cost of weaker, more superficial transformations, and a limit of one branding mark per victim. A mark like this thus has the same effect as a level 2 Obedience mark as well as causing the body to display one of various possible marks of belonging to Liliah:

Command (temporary, global)

These marks implant a suggestion in the victim's mind which is triggered and can force the victim to do something. Only one Command mark can be in the victim's body. When there is one, it dictates a certain time or a certain trigger condition by which a certain action will trigger uncontrollably in the victim's body.

The maximum duration and complexity of this command varies according to other marks present in the victim's body. Marks that affect one's will (addiction, command, disabling, forbiddance, obedience) increase the level of every command by one. Generic command marks can also be implanted to increase the level of every command by one. Command marks, when they expire, become dormant and can be reactivated with another command (or the same one) freely by Liliah whenever she drains her victim.

Each level of command allows commands to last (n^2) hours and be comprised of n actions (verbs). The trigger must be simple and specific below level 3, can be a bit more general between level 3 and 5, and at level 5 and up can be almost anything, including actions by Liliah. Any action forced by a command cannot be reversed for the duration of the command.

Disabling (permanent, local)

This mark, when applied, disables either one special power, one limb or one sense of the victim, at Liliah's choice. It can be applied more than once for different powers, limbs or senses.

Feebleness (permanent, local)

These marks, when the victim is near Liliah, tune down the victim's overall body strength until they can't even fight the force of gravity.

Fertility (permanent, global)

These marks increases the victim's production of certain bodily fluids, to a certain extent. Each mark increases the production of cum, lubricant and milk by 50%. If the victim cannot produce milk, he or she will produce a few trickles when squeezed, for a total of about half a cup in one day. At two or more marks, milk will start to leak out by itself when the victim is aroused.

Forbiddance (permanent, global)

A variant of the Command mark which enables Liliah to program the receiver of this mark to be incapable of doing a certain action, for example putting on clothes, crossing streets, not yelling, standing up...

Mutation (temporary, local)

These marks cause the brain to change the body's DNA and require more nourishment in order to change one part of the victim's body Only one Mutation mark may be present in the victim's body. When it is, Liliah is able to change one part of (or add one part to) the victim's body every time she drains him. A special use of the mutation mark causes a cascade of DNA-altering effects that enable Liliah to change the gender of a victim in one shot.

Obedience (permanent, local)

These marks increase the victim's submission to Liliah

Sensitivity (permanent, local)

These marks increase the sensitivity of the victim's entire body whenever Liliah is nearby

Sluggishness (permanent, local)

These marks, when Liliah is nearby, tune down the victim's overall speed, whether it be for running, moving or reacting.