When Aryn and Liliah met each other, resulting in marriage and the astronomically improbably event of Liliah being impregnated, a new succubus was created. Unlike humans, a succubus mother has great control over the formation of her offspring, and thus a new specimen of succubus was born, much more resistant and powerful than both parents alone. After much consideration, the demonic couple called that child Lilin.
Lilin, thanks to Liliah's skillful motherhood, inherited the best of her parents, even improving over them and lacking any of their flaws. Lilin has the capability to master all of her mother's powers (see the Liliah 101 - Powers section) and then some. She has her father's lust aura as well as raw magical potential much higher than his. Being a pure-bred succubus of high magical power, her energy drain is much more brutal, sending her preys into a coma lasting several days to a week, or worse.
Anatomy-wise, she resembles her mother, mostly, except her horns aren't sensitive, her tail isn't weak to being pulled, and the penile appendage she can grow can almost compare to her father's. Not only does she not have any of her mother's weaknesses, but she even turned some of them into strengths. Her muscles develop much more power, her frame is more resistant and she is several inches taller. She is not subject to submission rituals and much better at fasting from energy and controlling her impulses.
Lilin is different from her mother in that she was never a human, and she is also much younger and still needs to prove and establish herself. As such, she is not enclined to fooling around or showing mercy or imperfection. She treats her prey with such cruelty and unforgiveness that it makes Liliah's worst temper seem sweet in comparison. She is also much less patient than her mother when losing a battle or when captured and will fight with abandon to the bitter end. By fear of falling in tricky situation like her mother, she trains in survival skills and various forms of combat against all types of enemies, and she always tries to keep an arsenal of magic and powerful artifacts at hand.
That said, as a succubus, Lilin has had to learn to make herself attractive and seductive. Taught by her mother and other famous demonic instructors, Lilin can impersonate all kinds of attractive female archetypes, from the dumb blonde to the refined businesswoman, from the delicate princess to the rough-cut tomboy. When it comes to sex, despite her great talent at controlling her impulses, she cannot escape a succubus' cravings and instincts, and she does it just as well as her mother. Perhaps the only difference is that Lilin is routinely more aggressive and nasty in the proverbial bed, attaching great importance to setting her own pace and keeping control, unlike her mother who doesn't mind being surprised by a cock going deeper in her throat than she anticipated or being forced into one position or another.