22nd of November 2024
Hello! It's been a long time since I've updated this. I want to make a new version of
this site but I can't get myself to adopt a web stack. I want to share the current version
though, so I thought I'd do a little update, refresh the info in the sidebar, and apply
a quick hacky fix to the navigation menu that's currently unuseable on mobile due to
relying on mouseover...
Not much roleplaying has happened in the last 5 years. I've been experimenting with
asynchronous roleplay in the form of collaborative writing in a Google Docs. Doing it
on a big tech platform that spies of everything and feeds it to AI is not the best, but
self-hosting an alternative is a pain. I'll be sure to gather every little morsel of
roleplay I can for the next edition of this website!
23rd of June 2019
Hello to any visitor, thought I'd at least give a little sign of life. The beginning of a career
compounded with existing lack of motivation to RP and difficulties
aligning with people's time zones, so roleplaying is extremely rare for me. My kinky side is still
strong however, and I do like to discuss characters and potential
stories even if they never realize.
I'm also keeping busy by curating all uploads to Hentai-Foundry on a weekly basis (resulting in my
posting a couple dozens of pictures to Kinkforge every weekend) and
occasionally advancing my quest to chronologically browse all the way through Danbooru, with some
filtering tags to help of course (I'm around the 60% mark currently).
If nothing else, it's worth visiting Kinkforge just for that! The invite link was expired for a long
time but as of writing this it should work again. If you like what
you see here and on the Kinkforge FAQ, do come by and say hello!
24th of May 2017
I've updated the sidebar on the left a little further to be simpler and more up-to-date, including a
Discord server I created recently. Discord is easier to use
and more adapted to people's daily computer usage than IRC, so it's a good place for me to gather my
kinky friends, old and new! If you like Liliah and you've enjoyed
some of the stories from my past ERPs, you're welcome to click that link to the left and join us in
our depravity!
1st of October 2016
After a little over a year with practically no new roleplayed scenes, I feel I should officially
update this site
to indicate that I am, at least for the foreseeable future, retired, baring any exceptional
circumstances (read: someone getting
lucky, most likely one of a few people I already had plans with).
The reason why I don't roleplay anymore is manyfold. The first reason is because I study engineering
and I have months at a time when I need to dedicate
as much free time as I can to get the work done. The second is because my time zone may or may not
align well with any particular player, and my sleep cycle
can shift in and out of being aligned well with another player's schedule. The third is because, for
some reason, my libido is not quite as plentiful as it
was 8 years ago when I started, or even 4 years ago.
That doesn't mean I'm going to just disappear from IRC and let my site vanish, though. I still love
this character and the world of fetishes
very much, and it's not unlikely that I'll update this site again with more refinements to Liliah or
my other characters. I have a very special
little update to make today in fact: two art gifts from someone nicknamed Katie, who has a patreon here.
I removed the gallery to save bandwidth, so just for now I'll give you links for the first one about
Liliah at work,
and the second one, an unfinished sketch about a special "pillow" transformation
which may or may not be a canon thing Liliah can do.
8th of September 2015
Presenting the new Liliah's Shrine v5.1 Lite Edition! This version has been designed to work without
server-side scripting so
that it could be hosted on free web hosts. Here is a list of changes compared to the full version.
- Gallery removed to save space. Just go on Danbooru and search for astaroth_(shinrabanshou) ;)
- Character size comparison tool removed for now until it is polished to my liking (vector
graphics, proper UI...)
- The backgrounds will be static instead of randomly generated
- The menu will be static, which merely means adding a section to the site is more work for me
- Scrapped the biography entirely because I've been having new ideas about the origins of Liliah
Furthermore, I have been working on eight new scenes (some forgotten, some recent) for the Stories
section. There is not much
work left to be done before they are ready to upload, so look forward to that!
21st of September 2014
Very little happened this summer as far as roleplay goes, but I'm still around and here's a more
informational / technical update to my website. Here's a list of all the changes:
- Changed the 600-ish word intro on the left column of the homepage for an extremely condensed
summary of my status as a roleplayer. This should help people quickly get closer to roleplaying
with me!
- Three new scenes from the last 6 months (better than nothing right?)
- New scene in "Liliah and Friends", involving Morrigan Aensland and Axin
- Two minor changes to Liliah's anatomy, see the Anatomy section under Liliah 101, the new
information is found at the list point "Brain" and in the second paragraph under the list point
8th of March 2014
Here is an impromptu scene with Morrigan Aensland, a succubus who has chosen to
put a few more stat points in brute force, and as such can forcefully claim dominion
over Liliah. Such is the way of demons, and Liliah regrets nothing. I regret nothing either,
because this is a much needed addition to my weak portfolio of L<F, to borrow my stories
filtering terminology.
6th of March 2014
Today I've added a new minor feature that allows filtering the stories section
by gender and dom/sub disposition of the roleplaying partner. Handy!
26th of June 2013
You might not have realized it if you'd only been reading this news column -- it happened so quick,
too -- but
Liliah, by the laws of Kiyodai's people -- or maybe he just made it up -- is married to him. Real
law or not, Liliah
went along with it, jestingly at first... But Liliah's feelings must have grown something fierce,
because here's
her second daughter, Liliko! And lucky you, even thought it happened in the privacy of
Liliah's lair, you can
witness every juicy detail of Liliko's moment of conception! Enjoy~
11th of May 2013
Quick update with just one scene, in the Tia storyline, where Liliah is reduced to
infant-like motor skills, capacity to pronounce words and bladder control (after being
given human bodily needs by a powerful pair of artifact shoes). If that sounds fun to you,
go check it out!
5th of February 2013
Here's one of the many scenes that have been long in planning, this one is
a juicy bit of role reversal in the romantic relationship between Liliah and
the human heroine Tia. You can find it in the Stories section.
27th of January 2013
I am as disappointed as you are at my complete lack of roleplay in the
past months. I've said it before and I'll have to say it again, I have
a loaded schedule, very few opportunities to kick back and play for a few
hours, and dozens of ever so tempting scene ideas with various people.
But despair not, for I am still here with no intention to leave! I've updated
my "best times to ask me on a scene" section to the bottom left of this page,
and I even managed to find a couple of unedited scenes!
The "new" stories are little juicy bits from mid-2012 I've missed, a
scene with Tia becoming Liliah's mistress.
8th of September 2012
September 10 update: The email address I gave here and on F-List was wrong! It was missing the dot
between liliah and succubus! If you're ever sent me an email... try to find it back and resend
Bwuh?! Where did summer go? Well... I was working 50 hours a week the whole time.
Bummer! But I got a new car and a new computer out of it, so yay! Now we can get back
to our regular (still slow) schedule.
I didn't play much if at all since last update, but there is a lot of new reading
coming up with this update! I used advanced log analysis magic to generate this graph of the length of Liliah's emotes over
which helped me locate a few areas of interest in what happened in public in the channel.
- One interrupted genderbendy scene with Skellum
- A bit of Liliah fooling around pretending to be some sort of sex arcade machine, mostly
involving Talbain
- Four scenes with Kiyodai, the fox boy, a long overdue addition to the cast of Liliah's life
As usual, the new stuff will be highlighted in bold in the Stories section. As of this edition,
series that I
am particularly proud or fond of will be adorned with little hearts and called Recommended Reads. Do
note that it is in no way
a judgment on other players' abilities. Besides stories, to your left in the "Roleplaying with me"
section you will find
updated tips on how to roleplay with me, like how and when to ask.
9th of May 2012
Birthday update! Now for the important and interesting stuff:
Three and a half new scenes are now available. The two wholes are scenes with Tia
and Keraal. The scene with Keraal is embarassing though, you don't need to read it.
In fact, please skip this one entirely. The half-scene I mentionned last month?
What's a half-scene, you ask? Well... it's a few paragraphs of succubus-induced
dreams by Ashley, a probable future partner of Liliah, who has very big plans for
this girl... And since then that half-scene became one and a half scene.
Also, due to some entirely unfair laws of a particular nation of Kitsune, Liliah
is now officially Kiyodai's wife. As much effort as Liliah put to hide when she was
stuck to Kiyodai's knot, the whole world now knows that Liliah has been knotted by
Kiyodai at least three times, which constitutes a pact of marriage under the
aforementionned laws. You might notice there's no page with Kiyodai in the
Stories section... but there could and might be. Stay tuned if you like fox boys!
5th of April 2012
Added a new page explaining Liliah's taint, a new power for Liliah and a device
to inspire roleplay scenarios! An interesting read and concept that might make you
a little hot and bothered at the thought ;)
26th of March 2012
The website's navigation has been completely revamped into a two-level drop-down
menu. This allows for the addition of more sections and thus more information
surrounding Liliah! The new pages include:
- Pages describing minor characters of mine: Liliah's daughter Lilin and a dryad named Acedra
- A page that describes the growing relations between Liliah and other folks
- A new gallery divided into categories, now with thumbnails for improved performance. It also
displays the original image's resolution.
- A link to the #orcsnelves Wiki, Elfpedia, which is currently empty, but if you want to put stuff
in it, go right ahead! Just ask me if you need editor rights or anything.
There are also a few more goodies planned:
- A new, less cluttered interface to easily see what drain marks do and who has which
- A page listing all kinds of things that you might find in Liliah's lair, a list of sex toys,
clothes, magical artifacts, etc. An reference for inspiration and reminding!
- One and a half scenes
January 1st, 2012
Two new scenes to celebrate the new year to come! I wish us all a year full of
even more plentiful and beautiful written, drawn and animated kinky smut! Here are
the two new scenes:
- A continuation of the hypnosis story with the drider Keraal.
- A new episode of Liliah and Tia's adventure featuring egglaying!
November 1st, 2011
Several new details about more exotic parts of Liliah's anatomy have been
explained in detail. See a description of Liliah's penis and womb in the
Anatomy section (with links to a new Mechanics section), a new power for
Liliah called Energy Overflow (which is more for show than for actual use
in scenes) with its own set of sub-powers, and a new paragraph about the
scale of Liliah's accumulated energy in
the energy draining mechanics section (two paragraphs above the last).
15th of October 2011
A new Gallery section has been added with pictures of Liliah (Astaroth),
as well as pictures of other characters Liliah has played with or references
for poses used in scenes. Anything I feel like putting in there, basically.
Currently has 36 pictures. To get the full effect of all the sexy CSS3,
the latest version of Firefox, Chrome or Safari is recommended.
4th of September 2011
Forgot a few things!
- New marks on Delesta and Nezumi
- Another scene of Liliah and Friends featuring Kiyodai
4th of September 2011
A grand total of six new scene logs have been added to the Stories section! Wow!
Among those you will find three unedited scenes from years past recovered from channel logs
as well as three scenes from the past month or so (one in July), a surprising number of
which have mind control elements to them. Oh, Liliah, what have you been getting yourself into...
From now on, scenes I do in public channels with more than one other person will be listed as
"Liliah and Friends" in the Stories section, and character information won't be given there,
only on the characters' own pages if they have one.
Without further ado, here they are, in chronological order:
- Liliah having a bit of cruel fun with Generic Monster
- Liliah, Keraal, Ryuujin and Delesta playing around
- Liliah exploiting Darra's predicament while others watch in amusement
- A small chapter of the story between Liliah and Terra
- Another small chapter of a story between Liliah and Keraal
- A scene with a newcomer, the mouse girl Nezumi
28th of August 2011
Lots of little tweaks and character precisions all around the site:
- Updated information in the Readme to the left of the home page.
- Organized the Powers page into categories for more clarity, each category
sorted from least to most powerful.
- Summonings power split into Portals and Tentacles. Her old ability to summon
any kind of restraining item is now done through small portals.
- Description of Liliah's tentacle swarm expanded.
- Added a condition for Lust Mirage to work. The target must be attracted to Liliah
in order for the effect to work.
- Moved Resistances to the Anatomy section and added a precision about extreme heat (like lava).
- New power: Telekinetic Touch.
9th of July 2011
A continuation of the story
with Tia is available
in the Stories section!
4th of July 2011
Happy Fourth of July, people in the U.S.! To celebrate, here's
a log of Liliah and
an elven priestess serving an evil goddess of lust. Totally planned it. Yep. Not a coincidence at
30th of May 2011
A very big update of Liliah's Shrine is now completed, bringing along with it a few precisions about
Liliah herself.
Here is a list of new things to look for in the website:
- Background images were all digitally remastered (I photoshopped them again), and there are now
more of them. They are also better positionned in the page.
- New centered layout with fixed navigation bar so that it remains accessible when you scroll
- A new Anatomy section, separated out of the Powers section, explains how Liliah's body works in
- New homepage combines news and the essential introduction information
- The list of marks and the list of drain mark victims were merged into one page
- All logs now have word counts and keywords for each scene
- New page explaining the rules for the #orcsnelves channel
On top of that, there are now three new scenes with Liliah: a new chapter of the stories with Tia and
Naomi, and a new face, an
orc shaman named Wahlram. Finally, here are two new tidbits about Liliah that you didn't know about:
- Liliah's tail has a small orifice under the point where her tail connects to her back. It is
usually completely hidden unless
the tail is forcefully pulled upwards.
- The pocket dimensions inside Liliah's orifices connect to the one in her mouth and vice-versa if
they overflow.
26th of April 2011
F-List fully revised and updated with 160% more favorite kinks including some custom ones, three
more selected reference pictures.
My Rabbit Hole page is now considered obsolete, F-List has superior features and is already enough
trouble to maintain.
April 3rd, 2011
Liliah's lewd legends continue and four new chapters become known to the world. Two of those
feature Keraal the drider, one stars the Asian heroine Terra and the other showcases Naomi's final
before turning back from her goo-girl form to her usual human self.
11th of October 2010
This is going to make a lot of jealous, but September 2010 is apparently the month of Terra, with
new scenes featuring her in that single month! She wasn't the only one to play with Liliah, though.
A sneaky
little spider named Keraal was able to slip between the cracks and slip his eggs inside Liliah.
Also, the Roleplay section, which was removed earlier for being redundant, has been reinstated and
updated with useful information.
I now give a little guide of my preferred roleplaying format. They're not rules by any means, if you
have reasons for doing something
different it's fine, but otherwise following the guidelines in there improves the flow of the scene
and helps me edit
it afterwards for the purpose of adding it here for all to read and enjoy.
8th of August 2010
The all-girls orgy continues with 3 new logs: another one with Tia in the baths, the return of
Catgirl, and
a new heroine called Terra.
I also added a few tweaks and fixes here and there. Here is a short list of what changed:
- Changed a few words in the description in the Bio section
Mechanics section - added a paragraph in the Bottomless Body part about the possibility
that Liliah's spacial pockets can connect to each other to allow some things through under
certain circumstances.
Mechanics section - added a paragraph in the Energy Drain part about the effects of a drain
on the victim and on Liliah.
Mechanics section - in Scent And Fluids, added a list of the specific flavors of Liliah's
bodily fluids and how they can vary.
- Readme - changed the "good practices to reach me" paragraph, added my F-List page.
- Added mentions of Liliah's tail hole in the description and flaws sections
13th of June 2010
Today is an all-girls new scenes day with two new scenes added to the stories section. The first one
the continuation of Liliah's guided tour of her lair for her official unofficial wife, Tia. The
second one
is another chapter in Liliah's quest to break, harass, annoy or win over Naomi with an endless
supply of
devilish body suits. Enjoy!
16th of May 2010
Four new scenes added to the stories section. The continuation of the story with Keraal, another
in the life of the two brides Liliah and Tia, and two scenes with a new protagnist, Relar.
I've also fixed some things in the Readme page, particularly the last point in the "Target Audience"
list where I
talk about best practices for asking me to roleplay. I've specified some properties of my powers,
and drain marks. Finally, I added a section in Liliah's Lair where I talk about rooms given to
Liliah's guests.
7th of March 2010
Two new scenes happened in the last few days, one on March 2, one on March 5th, and here they are 5
days and
2 days after each of them respectively (notice how all of that adds up to 7? Strange...) The first
one is Liliah flattening
out her curves a bit to play with Viserya, and the second one is the return of a regular at Liliah's
Lair, Catgirl! A long time has passed, and Catgirl has become full of drain marks and spent some
in freedom. But Liliah comes back for her and recaptures her humiliatingly easily.
19th of February 2010
Four new logs from scenes that happened in the last four months... Depressingly slow rate, but
better than
nothing, at least. We have a new scene with Skellum for November, a new one with Viserya in
December, one
with Tia in January, and the second part of the scene with Keraal in February (three days ago!).
15th of February 2010
I tweaked the way the Command mark works. It is now even more elaborate and mathematical, including
a level of strength, exponential duration and an exact number of actions allowable per level.
27th of January 2010
Liliah's 2495th trip around the sun begins, and I bring a variety of changes and additions
to this website and Liliah's character description!
- A few minor rewordings in the Readme page
- A few minor rewordings in the Bio page, especially the appearance and personality parts
- The Bio link in the main menu now leads to the description by default
- To make drain marks effective and useful in less scenes, Liliah can now implant
a certain number of marks every time in function of how effective the drain is.
- An unwritten rule is now written - Liliah cannot drain or mark when in a submissive situation.
- Removed the energy overload feature because I couldn't see it ever being useful (it was a
"please godmode me" kind of thing)
- Kept energy underload, but renamed it energy hiding. Reworded this also.
- Kept the Naked Flames ability, without requiring overloading. Liliah could use a few combat
- Kept Orgasmic Lock, but made it harder to pull off in combat by requiring a few moments.
- Removed the Prison of Temptation ability, although similar, more fair abilities would be
tempting to add.
- Removed Chemical Manufacture
- Added fancy vaginal muscle control capabilities.
- Added an ability of Liliah's body to cause greater sperm loads from her victims.
- Detailed explanation of the behaviour of Liliah's bottomless orifices, and how they allow some
degree of physical inflation of Liliah's body.
19th of November 2009
Five new scenes are finally getting pushed out today! Check out the scenes with Generic Monster,
Keraal, Little Albi, and the latest with Viserya. Seventeen hours of roleplaying in total over the
course of October, and about two hours spent formatting, correcting, editing and uploading them on
this website for posterity. Enjoy!
7th of October 2009
Just a little change in my readme page about how hard it is to get me in a roleplay (just
look at how many stories I made in 2 years). Also, 8 pictures who had some parts cropped
out of them (mostly legs the artist didn't draw) were changed a little to give them some
sort of "ripping out of the page" effect. It seems successful. Look at Liliah's legs (like
you weren't already) and look for some paper tear effect instead of a flat line crop.
So it's all details today, but you know what is in the details...
6th of October 2009
I have begun updating the metadata in all the stories to the most up to date format. The metadata
section before each session log started out modestly with a count of lines, hours and a description.
Over time I've added keywords to make it easier to spot things you might like or might want to avoid
in a story, and I also thought words would be a much better indicator of length than lines, since
vary in length.
It's all due to my love for numbers. I'm kind of wondering how many words I've wrote
with various people, and how many hours it took. I'm sure they're pretty awesome numbers. I'll put
numbers in the index page when I'm done!
So now I'm going through each session of each story and ensuring they all have a proper
word count, description and some keywords. Until I'm done, stories with their links in bold in the
will be the stories I've confirmed to be up to date, and the links in normal text will be what's
to verify and edit.
29th of September 2009
Four new scenes have finally been edited, one with the Trap and three with Viserya. You'll
notice that the headers of the scenes with Viserya feature words as the metric for length of
the scene instead of lines, which is much more representative of the actual size of the scene.
I wish I'll have time someday to apply that refined metadata standard to all stories or, even
better, automate it somehow. I'm also thinking of letting readers add tags to stories, and while
I'm at it, add comments and whatnot... This is, after all, so-called "Web 2.0" even if I hate the
September 2nd, 2009
Where did August go? Oh well, can't expect me to change something on this website every
month... I did get around to doing something today, though. I went around the different
sections and make some tiny adjustments here and there in the Readme section, in the
description (under the Bio section) and in the Mechanics entry for feeding needs. The
Mechanics entries are also sorted alphabetically now.
Another thing I did was to give Liliah new powers, the biggest one being the ability to go
into an Energy Overload mode when in absolutely critical emergency situations. When in Energy
Overload, Liliah's overall abilities are boosted and she gains access to a few other tricks.
I also added her intuition for people's sexual feelings, which is something she more or less
always had, and the possibility for her to shrink on purpose, which is something I thought of
some time ago and which was similar to the overloading power in that it's the polar opposite.
18th of July 2009
No logs this time! I haven't felt like roleplaying all that much these days... But I
did add three background images, remove one which was doodly and fixed one that was blurry.
A word of advice: do not save and reuse or otherwise distribute those images, they are very
hackish, ugly edits which cannot possibly be used on a light background!
5th of July 2009
Description of Liliah's lair was extended, adding descriptions for her
lair's dorms, detainment rooms, wind tunnels, trap room, baths, comfort
rooms and other rooms. Also, the short description of Liliah's drain
mark power was updated with its little downside of being hard to think
about applying when Liliah is in an orgasmic daze.
July 1st, 2009
Canada Day! Have a short scene of Alleister and his Queen getting it on!
30th of June 2009
New logs added: two scenes with Naomi. Also, the roleplay section has
been removed because it mostly repeats information found elsewhere. I also
put the Biography section closer to the left to give it more importance,
especially since it contains her description, and renamed it "Bio".
You can thank my new menu system I've hacked together about two weeks
ago, that made changing the menu wonderfully easy and quick!
I've also added the line "On the contrary, eating anything other than
sperm will force her to spend energy to burn it out of her, since she
cannot digest" in Liliah's description.
One more thing: I've changed the way some drain marks work. Weaker command marks only become dormant
instead of disappearing and can be re-activated freely by Liliah when draining
someone, and they expire after one or a few times instead of after a set period
of time. The character-handicapping marks only works when the victim is near Liliah.
The extent of some marks, like whether your mutation, fertility or command mark
applies anywhere and anytime or just when with Liliah, is up to OOC consent (though it'd
be awesome if someone roleplayed with someone else and they triggered Liliah's
mark by accident! I'd love to see that happen). The mutation mark can now be used to change a
victim's gender.
24th of June 2009
Nine days after the last batch of 8 scenes, which took 10 days to prepare,
comes another back of, this time, 10 scenes! Read about Liliah's encouters
with Fast1 (two scenes), Lara Croft (one scene), Lydia Violet (one scene),
Madman Machine (two scenes), Miss Purple (three scenes) and Viserya (one scene)!
There's also a scene of Liliah and Emma just fooling around off of the main
plotline, possibly some time in the future.
Don't get used to getting almost one scene a day, though... With this update I
am now as up to date as I could possibly get, with only my two most recent scenes,
starring Naomi and a couple of very crafty bodysuits, left to edit!
19th of June 2009
Two updates in two days? What kind of madness is this? Well, this isn't such
a big update... This is just to let visitors of this website know that I am
setting up a Rabbit Hole page and accounts for MSN/YIM/AIM. Details available
in the Readme section.
18th of June 2009
Today, as you'll have noticed from the change of file extensions, I am rolling
out features that are incredibly excessive for just a roleplaying character
profile, features that call upon server-side scripting.
The first one, although invisible, will allow me to change the structure of my
website much more easily: I now create this website's menu dynamically from an
array of files and using a function to determine the relative path between two
absolute paths I wrote. Again, invisible improvement, lots of technical details,
but I'm very proud of it!
The other thing I've done was write a simple function that chooses a random
filename among the various background images I have. As a result, you'll see
a different picture of Liliah every time, and I'll be able to easily and secretly
add more background pictures for more variety!
15th of June 2009
What did I do in the last 10 days? Among other things, I formatted, corrected
and HTML-ized logfiles of two scenes with Ryujin (there was one less than I thought),
two with Sara Longwing (there was one more than I thought), one with StarBummer
and PowerGirl, one with the Creeping Eye, one with Tireus and one with Valkyra,
Zeph and Avalon. Eight new scenes in total in this update!
That makes me up to date with the scenes from 1-2 years ago. Now I'm going to
catch up with the scenes I've been doing this years, there's at least 6 or 7
of them. I'm not sure I'm going to do it as fast as those eight new ones, though.
5th of June 2009
I've added some new stories! There are two scenes with the Renegade
and one scene with Miss Mighty that are now accessible under the Stories
section. Enjoy!
Old stories that need re-editing are as follows:
- three scenes with Ryujin,
- one with Sara Longwing,
- one with StarBummer and PowerGirl,
- one with the Creeping Eye,
- one with Tireus,
- one with Valkyra, Zeph and Avalon,
As you can see, I'm almost done catching up with the stories from version 3 of my
website! I haven't been completely inactive during this time, however, even though
I tried, and the following brand new scenes need editing too:
- then two scenes with Madman Machine,
- one with Lara Croft,
- an unknown number of scenes with Miss Purple, and
- one with Fast1
Oh, how I long for the day I'll have caught up with all this editing work!
18th of May 2009
This website is not dead yet! I have made minor adjustments
here and there, and I am also introducing a set of new features
for Liliah:
A few minor tweaks in the way Liliah's energy draining ability works:
it only works when Liliah's partner orgasms (not when she does), it
doesn't work on machines and animal-intelligence creatures (like
tentacle monsters), and it doesn't work during a submission ritual or
in the time a submission ritual is active.
Liliah can now implant some new drain marks that weakens her
captives. She can disable someone's powers one by one, forbid them
from performing some things, make them too weak to even stand or
so slow they'd lose a race against a turtle.
Liliah is also much more sensitive than she used to be. Her tail
is now sensitive on its entire length, as opposed to being just
sensitive to pulling and touching around the base. Her horns also
have a huge effect on her when they're grabbed, and her wings are
now sensitive spots as well. Not to forget her ears, too! In other
words, basically, there isn't a single spot on Liliah's body that
isn't erogenous, as it should be with a succubus (my version of it,
at least).
Submission rituals have been expanded. Besides the original one
where the ritual performer becomes Liliah's master for a day, there
are now rituals for a whole array of fates to inflict to Liliah, as
cruel as they are temporary. They include turning her into a human,
miniaturizing her, turning her tentacles against her, and more!
Liliah is in trouble if people learn about these things...
Furthermore, I've added three session logs out of four with Lady In
Black Boots. Logs are still being edited, but I'm approaching the end
of the backlogged re-editing work. With this new presentation standard,
which involves cleaning up OOC, running a spell-checker, identifying key
concepts for the keyword list and coming up with a little description,
and then converting to HTML, logs should be even more refined and fun
to read than ever before!
Liliah the succubus, my avatar in the realm of erotic roleplay, is a work
of neverending cycles of improvement and refinement. I've come a long way,
but there are still lots of things to write about, such as Liliah's past
and her lair, and perhaps even cool powers I haven't thought about yet!
See older news...